Srpsko komunikolosko drustvo Serbian communication society

Digital, electronical and mass media

Digital Media are opposite to analogous Media. Lat. "digitus" (finger) is fonded on binary system "0" and "1" who make possible creation, presentation and exchange Data and  Informations without Quality damage.
Digitalisation determine digital Media as digital Convergence of Art, Science, Technology and Business for human Expression, Communication, social Interaction and Education. 

Elektronical Media include Media who use electrical and electromechanical enertz to send and receive messages.
Cabel Transmission:
- Telegraph (1832)
- Faximil (1861)
- Telephone (1877)
- Coacssial Cabel (1962)
- Optic Cabel (1970)
Wiresess Transmission:
- Radio (1920)
- Satelit (1958)
- Optic Disc (1960)

Telephone, Internet and Mobile internet are the individual Media. Mobile internet is the Medium of the 21. century and probable long term Medium of the future for Individual and other Communication within general Connection and Interrelationship started from singl Person ,Ffamily, local Community and farther to the global coverage.

Mass or Classic Media  are Press, Tadio  and Television and the other performed shapes of printing and audio-visual Media:Books, printed Supplies, Illustrations, Movies and so on.
Mass or classic Media characterized th 20. Century. They are one way linear Media with Messages and Contents directed from single Source to Massauditorium.