Srpsko komunikolosko drustvo Serbian communication society

Individuals are stronger than governemt

This was manifested for the first time on 25 January 2011, when Wael Ghonim, a young  computee expert started subversion of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Ghonim filmed a cruel murder of a young man Khaled Said in Alexandria on a protest, carried out by law enforcement authorities. He posted this film on Facebook via mobile and everybody in  Egypt urged the opposition to the cruel dictatorship.
This man made 80,000 people go out on the streets and protest because of this murder.
Although the dictator Mubarak had state power (military, police, state media system and everything else), he was weak versus powerful media that called many people to protest.

 This was the first manifestation of individual communicative sovereignty which surprised the world and produced DIGITAL EARTHQUAKE.