Srpsko komunikolosko drustvo Serbian communication society

Strengthen of computers

Regular strenthen of computers starte 1971. with development of nanotechnoloy. That is the reduction  of chip and transistor dimension and increasindthe number of transistors in one chip.
The structure of Intel pentium chip1971. included10.0 micrometerwith 2300 transistors.

Intel Pentium 284 included 1982. the Chipstructure of 1,5 Micrometer wirh 100 000 Transistors.

Intel Pentium included  1983. the Chip structure of  0,8 Micrometer with 3 000 000 Transistors.

Intel Petium 4 incladed 2000. the Chipstructure of  of  0,18 Micrometer with 42 000 000 Transistors.

Intel Pentium included 2010. the Chipstructure of only 0, 01  Micrometer  with improbable three Miliard Transistors.

The current Computer Technology is going away. In the Year 2020. Intel Pentium  shall have the Chip of nearly zero scope: 0,001 Micrometer but with incrsedible cca.two Hundred Billions Transistors. What follows after?Near the end we wont to:ask: what is the  transistor?
Transistor is a device that regulates current or voltage flow and acats as a switdh or gate for electronic signals. Transistor consists of three layers of semiconducter material , each capable of carrying and current. The semiconductor material is given special properties by a chemical process called doping.

First transistor 1947. : The biggest invention of 20th century

Scope of transistors from 1971. to 2016. : 10,000 - 0,1 nanometers.

Jačanje kompjutera

Redovno jačanje kompjutera započelo je 1971. jačanjem nanotehnologije tj. smanjivanjem velične čipa i tranzistora i ujedno povećajem baroja tranzistora u čipu. Godine 1971. struktura Intel pentium čipa iznosila je 10.0 mikrometara sa 2300 tranzistora (jedan nanometar ili mikrometar) ima dužinu miliontnog dela milimetra).

Intelpentium 284 obauhvaatao je 1982. godine strukturu čipa veličine 1,5 mikrometara sa 100 000 tranzistora. 

Godine 1993. Intel pentium obuhvatao je veličinu čipa 0,8 mikrometara sa 3 000 000 tranzistora.

Godine 2 000. Intel petium 4 imao je čip veličine 0,18 mikrometara sa 42 000 000 tranzistora.

Godine 2010. Intel pentium imao je  veličinu strukture čipa samo 0,1  mikrometzar sa neverovatnih tri milijarde tranzistora.

Sadašnja kompjuterska tehnologija odlazi oko 2020. godine. 2020. godine Intel pentium imaće čip obima skoro nulte veličine: 0,001 mikrometar sa oko dvesta milijardi tranzistora i to je kraj čip-tranzistor kompjutera. 
Sledi pitanje: Šta posle?

Tranzistor u kompjuteru:  od 1947 do 2020. godine. Šta je tranzistor i čemu zapravo slluži?
Tranzistor je manipulativni elektronski poluprovodni komponent koji se većinom sastoji iz tri dodatna sloja i služi za jačanje i regulisanje električnih i elektronskih naprava (radioaparata, televizora, kompjutera i dr. Tranzistor je zamenio elektronske cevi u radio i tv-aparatima..

Prvi tranzistor 1947. : Najveće otkriće 20. veka.

Obim tranzistora od 1971. do 2016. godine:  od 10,000 do 0,1 nanometar.

The "New media"

The name "New Media" include emergence of digital Media and they Webconnection. Internet and Mobile Phone created the Compression of Space and Time. We can momentarily cross planetary distances.
The New Media
- compress geographical Space
- compress Time and Speed of Communication
- expand Quantity of Communication
- make possible Interactivity.

Novi mediji

Termin "Novi mediji" obuhvaata nastajanje digitalnih i umreženih medija: Intrneta i Mobilnog telefona, koji su doveli do kompresije prostora i vremena. Mi možemo trenutno prelaziti vremenske udaljenosti i vremenske razlike.
Mpvi mediji:
- komprimiraju geografski prostor
- komprimiraju vreme i brzinu komuniacairanja
. povećavaju obim konuniciranja
- omogučavaaju interaktivitet

Digital, electronical and mass media

Digital Media are opposite to analogous Media. Lat. "digitus" (finger) is fonded on binary system "0" and "1" who make possible creation, presentation and exchange Data and  Informations without Quality damage.
Digitalisation determine digital Media as digital Convergence of Art, Science, Technology and Business for human Expression, Communication, social Interaction and Education. 

Elektronical Media include Media who use electrical and electromechanical enertz to send and receive messages.
Cabel Transmission:
- Telegraph (1832)
- Faximil (1861)
- Telephone (1877)
- Coacssial Cabel (1962)
- Optic Cabel (1970)
Wiresess Transmission:
- Radio (1920)
- Satelit (1958)
- Optic Disc (1960)

Telephone, Internet and Mobile internet are the individual Media. Mobile internet is the Medium of the 21. century and probable long term Medium of the future for Individual and other Communication within general Connection and Interrelationship started from singl Person ,Ffamily, local Community and farther to the global coverage.

Mass or Classic Media  are Press, Tadio  and Television and the other performed shapes of printing and audio-visual Media:Books, printed Supplies, Illustrations, Movies and so on.
Mass or classic Media characterized th 20. Century. They are one way linear Media with Messages and Contents directed from single Source to Massauditorium.

Digitalni, elektronski i masovni mediji

Digitalnli mediji su suprotni analognim. Lat. "digitus" (prst) zasnovan je na binarnom (dvobrojnom) sistemu "0" i "1" koji omogućava  formiranje, prezentaciju i razmenu podataka i informacija bez gubitka kvaliteta.
Digitalizacija određuje digitalne medije ka digitalnu konvergenciju (srastanje) umetnosti, nauke, tehnologije i poslovnosti za ljudsko izražavanje, komuniciranje, socijalne interakcije i obrazovanje.

Elektronski mediji obuhvataju medije koji koriste elektroniku i elektromehaničku energiju da bi omoguaćili predaju u primanje sadržaja.
Kablovski elektronski mediji su:
- Telegraf (1832)
- Faksimil (1861)
- Telefon (1877)
- Koaksijalni kabel (1962)
- Optički kabel (1970)
Bežični elektronski mediji su:
- Radio (1920)
- Satelit (1958)
- Optički disk (1960)

Individualni mediji su telefon,iInternet, mobilni iinternet. Mobilni internet je dugoročni medijum budućnosti počev od pojedinca, porodice, grupe, lokalne zajednice i sve dalje do globalnog obuhvata. Individualno obeležje Interneta posebno  je evoluiralo pojavom moćnog mobilnog interneta i konekcijama milijarde individuanih korisnika.

Masovni ili klasični mediji su štampa, radio i televizija, kao i drugi izvedeni oblici štampanih i audio-vizuelnih medija: knjige, štampane stvari, slike, ilustracije, filmovi ... Klasični ili masovni mediji svojim delovanjem obeleži informacione sisteme 20. veka. To su jednosmerni linearni mediji sa porukama i sadržajima usmerenim iz ili od jednog izvora prema masama. Primaoci poruka ovih medija nemaju mogućnosst reverzije.

Comunicational sovereignty

The sovereignty of states and the sovereignty of the people represent the historical and civilizational development creations, which have suffered significant changes.

Developmental processes, technological advances, economic integration and interdependence, liberalization and migration caused the external and internal weakening of traditional sovereignties.

Instead of classic, interdependent and cooperative sovereignty appeared .

At the turn of the 20th into the 21st century on the scene came another new far-reaching sovereignty as a result of technological development and expansion of information and communication technologies.

Expansion and convergence of these technologies has made once-powerful country weak and transformed them into providers of services.
People of the future will not read newspapers because newspapers will not exsist.

At the turn of the 20th into the 21st century on the scene came another one, it seems, far-reaching sovereignty as a result of technological developments and the latest expansion of information and communication technologies.
Media technologies have made the country a helpless  of individuals who havea great power of the media technology.
It is the individual, communicative sovereignty.
The emergence of this new paradigm of sovereignty implied the 60s of last century, as a result of the development of telecommunications satellites, computers and other electronic devices to the full extent crystallize at the beginning of the 21st century.

Mobile Internet as a cosmic "big bang" and the technological creations that will spread in the same way. Technological power of the mobile internet has effectively demonstrated the phenomenon of the "Arab Spring", when the powerful state apparatus expressed void before the shock technologically competent individuals.
It turned out that no country alone can confront the "big bang", ie. mobile internet, if it is an appropriate communication space.

Individuals are stronger than governemt

This was manifested for the first time on 25 January 2011, when Wael Ghonim, a young  computee expert started subversion of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Ghonim filmed a cruel murder of a young man Khaled Said in Alexandria on a protest, carried out by law enforcement authorities. He posted this film on Facebook via mobile and everybody in  Egypt urged the opposition to the cruel dictatorship.
This man made 80,000 people go out on the streets and protest because of this murder.
Although the dictator Mubarak had state power (military, police, state media system and everything else), he was weak versus powerful media that called many people to protest.

 This was the first manifestation of individual communicative sovereignty which surprised the world and produced DIGITAL EARTHQUAKE.

Atomic computer

Atomic PC of the Future with 300 atoms will be able to execute more computing operations than there are atoms in the universe.

Power of the individuals

What in astronomy called the Big Bang that is in human communications Mobile Internet.

This supermedium gave individuals the hands powerful means - stronger than the power of the state.
The power of the individual is manifested as a digital earthquake in Tunisia and Egypt (Arab spring), in which individuals are digitally destroyed dictatorial regimes.

The questions: Where is going the Internet, where is now the Internet?  The answer: Internet is now in the centre of polemics of big actors on the future the global net.
The creator of Internet - United States have started the idea to Internet reform.
Earlier emerged ideas on an new Internet. But the ideas aare soon drived back because the existing techniques of electrons, chips and transistors is not possibe to change and to form another global net exept the existing (be contiued). 

Tasks of SCS - Serbian comunnicational society

Technical and scientific research and analysis of information and communication resources.

Analysis of the state of research and development of information and communication technologies.

Analysis of and research on individual forms of communication.

Analysis of the current research state and functions of classic and digital media.

Analysis of Development and Futuristic ostraživanja media technologies.

Publication scientific papers, organizing of professional and scientific meetings and seminars.

Professional and scientific cooperation with organizations and institutions related activities in the country and around the world.

Foundation of association

Serbian Communication Association was first established in 1993. Renovated in 2013 as a non-governmental civil society organizations. Serbian Communication Association is a national, a nonprofit organization focused on the activities of common good. The association is open to all citizens of Serbia who are engaged in the same and related activities. Members of the Association may be foreign nationals who express a desire for cooperation in accordance with the objectives.
The Company carries the official title of "Srspko komunikolosko drustvo" in Serbian and "Serbian Communication Society" in English.
The Company is headquartered in Belgrade, Oblaskih Brigada 39th
The financial year of the Company is the calendar year.

General activities remained unchanged. These are scientific research and publishing activities that include communication resources: traditional and digital media, the state and develop national demand of information and communication and akconih technology, media, and social change nationally, regionally and globally.

Authoriters of SKD and contact

-Ethical Board
-Predsedništvo Consists of a chairman and two vice presidents


Zdravko Šorđan, dr polit. n .vice president
        381/63/87 31 963

Novak A. Popović.dr fil. president
       381/61/19 42 907

Celovitost Interneta nasuprot fragmentaciji Interneta (Sajber rat - Cyber war)

Pretenzije pre svega velikih sila SAD i Rusije na kontrolu Interneta sve su izraženije što se Internet tehnološki više osamostaljuje.
Velike sile, navikle na svoju 'svemoć', ne mogu se pomiriti sa gubitkom kontrole nad Intsernetom. Ali, mobilnost i brzi razvoj Interneta predstavljaju nepremostive prepreke za reformu.
Svaka reforma odnosno globalni konsenzus bili bi tehnološki prevaziđeni pre stupanja na snagu. Već sada se može konstatovati::

Nevidljivi sajber rat je jedna od značajnih komponenti Interneta u kome učestvuju posebno velike sile, ali i mnoge druge zemlje. Ključni akteri sajberrata  su hakeri  Na udaru sajberrata su strogo zaštićene  mreže. Ministaraodbrane SAD (Leon Panetta) izjavio je 2012.godine da bi SAD mogle doživeti "Snovi Perl Harbor"  tj. uništenje digitalne infrastrukture. 
Iste godine je ruski ministar odbrane izjavio: "Mi se moramo pripremiti za sajberrat".
Već sada postoje razvijene digitalne tehnologije za blokadu velikih digitalnih sistema i operacija vojne i ekonomske prirode.