Srpsko komunikolosko drustvo Serbian communication society

Comunicational sovereignty

The sovereignty of states and the sovereignty of the people represent the historical and civilizational development creations, which have suffered significant changes.

Developmental processes, technological advances, economic integration and interdependence, liberalization and migration caused the external and internal weakening of traditional sovereignties.

Instead of classic, interdependent and cooperative sovereignty appeared .

At the turn of the 20th into the 21st century on the scene came another new far-reaching sovereignty as a result of technological development and expansion of information and communication technologies.

Expansion and convergence of these technologies has made once-powerful country weak and transformed them into providers of services.
People of the future will not read newspapers because newspapers will not exsist.

At the turn of the 20th into the 21st century on the scene came another one, it seems, far-reaching sovereignty as a result of technological developments and the latest expansion of information and communication technologies.
Media technologies have made the country a helpless  of individuals who havea great power of the media technology.
It is the individual, communicative sovereignty.
The emergence of this new paradigm of sovereignty implied the 60s of last century, as a result of the development of telecommunications satellites, computers and other electronic devices to the full extent crystallize at the beginning of the 21st century.

Mobile Internet as a cosmic "big bang" and the technological creations that will spread in the same way. Technological power of the mobile internet has effectively demonstrated the phenomenon of the "Arab Spring", when the powerful state apparatus expressed void before the shock technologically competent individuals.
It turned out that no country alone can confront the "big bang", ie. mobile internet, if it is an appropriate communication space.